Friday, May 29, 2009

Living With Menopause

Last night when I went to bed or should I say this morning, I had today all planned out. However, upon waking this morning I do not have the desire to do any of things I had planned. I really don't feel like doing anything. I did manage to go out and water some of the plants that I planted a few days ago. It did not rain yesterday, the only day this week it hasn't. I have so many things that need my attention around here but these days my attention span is not very good and I have trouble getting much done. If you're going through or have experienced menopause you probably know what I mean. It goes along with those moments when the word you're searching for escapes you. Or you may walk into a nearby room to do something, only to realize you have no idea what it was you intended to do. In fact, I am told it's not uncommon for women to experience a whole list of puzzling memory and reasoning problems around the same time they're going through menopause, especially if they, like myself, have decided to skip hormone replacement therapy. I am not a candidate for hormone replacement because I have had a lot of problems with cysts and tumors in my breasts. Ten years ago I had a tumor removed from my right breast and last year I had a biopsy done on my left one. So far nothing has been malignant and I pray it stays that way. While cancer runs in my family, no one has had breast cancer but my mother and a few aunts have also had tumors and cysts removed. I had a hysterectomy when I was 31 because of a large tumor on my uterus and cysts on both ovaries. The doctor removed the left ovary but elected to leave the right one so I would not have to go on hormone replacements at such a young age. He treated the cysts on the right ovary with steroids. I gained weight while taking the treatments but the steroids worked and the cysts were gone. This year during my yearly examination my gynecologist said she could not find that ovary. Since she was sending me to a urogynecologist for my bladder she wanted her to also take a look. She could not find it either. She said it is not uncommon when there is only one for it to to disappear when it is no longer needed or being used to produce hormone. I was happy because that eliminated my risk of ovarian cancer. I will also be happy when I have gotten past menopause. I do not like any of the changes it has brought into my life so far. I cannot remember when I have had a good night's sleep and the night sweats, hot flashes, mood many changes but I will manage with the help of my loving and most of the time,understanding husband. I also have God who is always there for me and I certainly call on him a lot these days for help and guidance. Are you going through menopuse? If so, how are you coping?

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