Thursday, May 28, 2009

Finding My Way

Yesterday I was home alone and spent the day working in the yard. It is week three since my surgery, and I am still not able to do much lifting, pushing or pulling. I have to do my work a little at a time. I could easily spend all day just pulling weeds in the goldfish pond area. The plastic is wearing out that we placed under the river gravel years ago and now it requires a lot of work keeping the weeds pulled out. I have not lost anymore weight and I am getting frustrated. Maybe I am not eating enough. I know I am not getting enough exercise. This morning, if the RAIN holds off, I intend to walk 45 minutes. I plan to start doing this every morning and I may do it again in the evening also. I have also been on the internet searching for weight loss tips but they are all basically the same. I just need to follow them more closely and drink more WATER. One thing that I have been doing is chewing a piece of sugarfree gum when I am craving something sweet . I get the sweet taste without actually having eaten anything. I have also been doing the portion control but I have not been keeping a food journal. Writing down everything I eat is something else that I may need to start doing but I ask myself, is this something I plan to do for the remainder of my life; my answer is no and that is why I do not do it. Not only do I want to lose weight but I want to keep it off and that means making changes that I can live with from now on. I am not looking at losing a lot of weight temporarily and gaining it back plus more. Been there and done that. That is why it has to be a lifetime change for me. I know several people who had gastric bypass surgery seven or eight years ago and are now over weight again. They changed how much they could eat but not their habits. It may take me a while but I will find a way that works for me. I thought I would share a few research findings that I found at Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day.

Dairy Dieting Heaven
Research has found that eating some dairy in your diet can help you to absorb fewer calories, but why? It all comes down to the high levels of Calcium in dairy. The Calcium binds to fats during digestion which creates a soap-like substance that our bodies find hard to absorb. This means some of the calories are excreted.

Maybe this is why the English tradition of eating cheese and biscuits after a big meal is actually not as bad as first thought!
One thing the research didn’t mention is that the Calcium can only bind to fats present in the same meal. So, for this reason, dairy should only be consumed with a main meal that contains some fat, eating dairy products alone will not decrease excess fat stores on the body – you will still need to increase activity levels to lose those!
If your doctor agrees, try to include a little low-fat dairy as part of your daily diet, doing this alone may help you to lose up to 6 pounds a year! – Just be sure you don’t consume more calories than your body requires.

Losing Weight through Soup-a-day!
A recent study has shown that a meal blended into a soup will help keep hunger at bay longer than eating the same meal normally presented on a plate. The reason is that a meal blended with some water prolongs gastric emptying. In other words, it takes longer to empty the stomach thus, the stomach wall is stretched for longer periods. A stretched wall causes the stomach to send messages to the brain to stop eating, because it is full. However, simply drinking water along with a normal meal won’t have the same effect because the water will simply pass straight through and be absorbed.

Drink more freshly made soups during the day.
Protein Power
High protein meals have been found to be the most satiating when compared to meals that are high in fat or carbohydrates. High quality protein has been proven to be most effective at filling us up and reducing the appetite between meals.

If you’re allowed, try to eat a lean protein meal for breakfast or for an evening meal to keep you feeling fuller for longer. If you find a protein breakfast to be too much in the morning, then why not substitute it for a low G.I. foods such a porridge oats as this will have a similar effect!
Portion Tricks
Scientists have shown that we can be tricked into eating more than we need to because of portion size. Often portions at restaurants and in pre-packaged foods are much larger than we really need to eat. This also tends to impact our portions at home. Use a smaller plate for meals. Less room on your plate means less room for food!

Remember, the larger the portion, the more we will usually eat. Make sure you decrease portion size as often as you can!
Don’t Forget Your Diary
Studies have shown that keeping a food diary is the best way to avoid over-eating. We can easily lose track of our food intake without one!

Variety is NOT always the Spice of Life!
Some research has proven that having a variety of foods available increases calorie intake. People can consume up to 60 percent more when eating at a buffet or barbeque. Maybe this is more of an instinct for survival reasons rather than people just being plain greedy. For example, having a variety of different foods will mean a larger range of nutrients available, and it could be possible that subconsciously we are making sure we’re getting as much nutrition as possible.
Try to keep things simple and eat only 2 to 3 foods at each meal.
Too Little Too Late!
Eating little and often is usually good dietary advice for people trying to lose weight. The only trouble with having frequent low fat snacks is that you are supplying the body with a steady supply of sugar, the body's preferred energy source. Having a steady supply of sugar means the body may be burning less from the fat stores, this could be especially true if the individual has a low activity level, because the number of calories burned is not sufficient to over ride the number of calories supplied from the frequent sugar intake. This could hamper results for losing weight. This is a classic case where some generally good advice may not be much use to others with a different lifestyle or situation. I believe some people really need to let themselves go a bit hungry for a little longer than usual to try and force the body to use up excess fat stores more readily. This does not mean starving oneself, as is the case for most things in life, going too far with anything is never much of a good thing. I mean if you don't manage to get much activity then maybe let that hunger continue for a little bit longer.

Don't always believe you must eat immediately once you experience hunger, unless you have a specific condition and you must eat at regular intervals. If you’re okay to do so, try to get used to the feeling of hunger and gradually extend the time between meals, but don’t go too long before eating again. As it is impossible for us to know your exact dietary needs, it is crucial that you obtain approval from your doctor before changing the way you eat!!

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