Friday, July 17, 2009

Work In Progress

It has been a while since I have posted on this blog, and I have been neglecting the other one as well. Things have been very busy around here for me lately. I have been caring for Skylar, who did finally agree to go to the doctor about the pressure sore on the bottom of his foot. I will talk more about this later but for now I would like to talk about my desire to lose weight. I am only kidding myself when I say I have decided to lose weight strictly for myself, and not someone else's perception of what I should look like. I guess I really should stop obsessing about what other people think. However, it's not that easy, when the "other people" obsessing about it is your family.... I realize my current weight and health have been preventing me from doing some of the things that I enjoy and I have to admit that I don't like my "fat" self, which is one of many reasons that has finally pushed me into the "good health" zone. But honestly, my looks improving is only one of many improvements I want to see from losing weight and working out. I want health, I want to lose weight to have more energy and feel better. I want to be able to walk 3-4 miles without getting out of breath, although some of shortness of breath is due to having smoked for over 30 years.....I am so thankful I was able to quit. I want to be able to stop taking my high blood pressure medication and stop being a "borderline" diabetic (pre-diabetes). I would also enjoy going to bed and not having my legs ache, which I said I would not complain about because at least I have the use of my legs and the ability to feel the pain in them that Skylar doesn't.  I guess you could say I am a work in progress.....and it is my hope to get to the point that I can look at myself and say I'm not perfect and that's OK.


  1. The good work that He started in you girlfriend, He WILL complete. In ALL areas of your life...this scripture definitely brings comfort to me..God KNOWS I have a lot of mess that needs cleaning in my own life..((hugs))

  2. I understand how you feel about your husband, my ex wanted me to lose weight for my looks and was disparaging and critical at times which did not help my weight loss efforts. I hope yours isn't like this, though. My current man is cognizant of my efforts and of course realizes I am overweight but it is My Issue, he stays out of it, thank goodness!

    Good luck with your continued efforts, we're all here to support each other in meeting our goals!

  3. My husband is not critical of me. Years ago when I first became overweight he would make a few remarks but he doesn't say anything anymore. Sometimes what they don't say can hurt also...... Thanks so much for the comments and much needed support.


  4. Elizabeth, you are beatiful! You also have a sweet spirit. I pray that your heart is encouraged today and the Lord give you stength in hope in all your endeavors!
