Sunday, June 28, 2009

Poem- Life After a Coronary

Life After a Coronary
~ Joyce Guy ~

The doctor said, "No stress at all,
And cut out all Cholesterol;
Exercise to trim the waist,
No more fats or foods with taste."
That may not sound so hard to do,
But It's no fun, I'm telling you.
You're allowed 65 daily grams of fat,
But one good meal takes care of that.
Two eggs, sausage, biscuits , and grits
And a mid-morning SNICKER® makes 72 hits;
Lunch at the Colonels with two pieces fried
potatoes & gravy and slaw on the side;
Make fats at 117 grams the winner,
And I haven't even had my dinner.
A Chocolate Shake on the way home,
Adds 8 grams more before dinner gets done.
The 6 oz. Sirloin, Potato with fixings,
And a Salad with Dressing has played the dickens;
Making a total of 185 grams of fat,
And a pre-bed snack adds to that.
But I've solved the problems, am cutting the fat,
for a healthy life is where it's at;
Just reading the cookbook throws me in rages,
So I'm foregoing the food and eating the pages.

1 comment:

  1. So I'm foregoing the food and eating the pages.

    lol...did you find out how much fat are in those

    No stress at all,???? Are you going to another planet?? lol.

    It can get discouraging and overwhelming at times can't it....I keep reminding myself,,this is a life style change, not an overnight change..sigh.
